shop happenings august 2017

Things have slowed down a bit for me after a burst of orders and prepping new pieces for fall. It's been tough to get used to the ebb and flow of running a retail business, particularly since I'm the sole employee. It's very exciting when orders come in and you feel like you're in the flow and then things slow down a bit and you sort of wonder if you'll ever get another order again (that's my anxious mind leaning towards catastrophic outcomes). But I try to take the busy times with gratitude and the slow times with gratitude. Slower times mean a quieter mind and more time for knitting and personal sewing. I still haven't had much of a chance to do a lot of the latter in recent months, but I'm so looking forward to showing you all what I've been working on for fall. I'm photographing some of those pieces this Thursday and I'm hoping to have them live next week.

I'm also in the process of hiring a contract seamstress. It was a huge decision for me that was riddled with excitement and doubt. I'm hoping having help means that I'll have more space during busy times to continue to offer new pieces, style and photograph my offerings and take on more opportunities that have been difficult to take on in the past. I will be introducing you all to my new clothing makers once things get finalized. 

One other thing I've been practicing with my business is visualization. I have a powerful imagination that can lead me to imagining very scary situations (see paragraph one), but I've realized that I have the power to imagine things going well for me. In recent months, I've been seeing myself standing strong, feeling confident and calm. What's crazy is sometimes those ideas become manifested and I feel fantastic, which has been an amazing feeling for someone who leans towards self doubt and fear. 

For you local folks (or anyone hoping to travel to Denver in the next two months) I have three events coming up. The first is the Longmont Block Party curated by Yore on August 26th. The next is Prism's Fashion Collective on September 2nd and the third is Renegade Craft Fair on the weekend of September 23rd. Flyers with extra details are below. I love these events because I get a chance to meet people that I never would have if I remained solely an online business. I will also have an additional stockist this fall (my current one is Goldyn here in Denver.) 

Hope you guys have a great week! 

